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2012 Sep 23 15:53 author: m.l.
hi…i viewed all your products with a philippine map and other products
that has a philippine design from sassle…the customer support directed me to your site…
i saw a philippine map in one of your mouse pad and i want to put the same design
to a iphone5 case…will you be able to help me and tell me how i can get the design or if you can do it for me?
thank you so much!
2013 Jun 04 04:48 author: Robert
Flag and Map,
I really like the design work for your world flag postcards in which I have all your country flag postcards in my shopping cart. Panama is the only country missing. When will you get a Panama flag (one with red and blue squares and stars) postcard in your store, so I can complete my order. This is for a Geography class assignment. Please contact me when this product is available. I’ve searched many places. Thank You.
2013 Jun 05 11:40 author: mapster
Regrettably the Government of Panama has made it difficult to celebrate their country with images of its flag. I’ve emailed to your aol account with additional information that may help you. I hope this will help.