Featured Websites
Here you'll find a list of websites that we have found useful, interesting or fun. The first section lists sites with information on flags and maps. Next we list some international designers whose work we admire. Finally we list a couple of global charities and world music sites.
Flag and Map Resources
Flags of the World - a useful resource with up to date information and ongoing discussion of all things vexillogical - more than 49,000 pages and 92,000 images of current and historical flags.
Bad Flags - this guy is very funny! We pass no judgement on specific flag designs but do admit that some are more
elegant than others. Bad Flags doesn't hold back, offering an entertaining critique that is both incisive and humorous at the same time.
US Library of Congress Map Collections - an extensive collection of historical maps - the digitized portion of the Library's 4.5 million cartographical items organized into seven major categories.
World Map Outlines - a handy source of royalty free outline map images - the site includes a tool for creating colored versions to your own specification - ideal for presentations or educational projects.
International Designers
Casa De Sena - beautiful art from New Mexico featuring Native American motifs and a rich use of color - one of several galleries by this artist whose designs are available on tees, bags, mugs, hats and more.
Irish Country Gallery - if you have an Irish connection you'll want to check out this gallery - the collection is vast but well organized - too much to summarize but something for every Irish county and clan on tees, bags, mugs, ties, etc.
Bahia Street Gallery - some nice artwork here and for a good cause too - education for kids living in a Brazilian shantytown - check it out and you might encourage the artist to add more items.
Prawny's Globes - over 500 products with 'global' designs - literally - a pretty selection of brightly colored designs featuring planet earth, some with flags too, available on t-shirts, mugs and more.
Global Citizenship
FreeRice.com - an excellent idea that is now even better - advertisers sponsor these brain games by donating rice every time you answer a question correctly - you can now practice maths, foreign languages and art knowledge as well as english vocabulary.
GlobalGiving.org - a site that facilitates your global giving - the projects you can support are creative and diverse, and many are small enough that you can feel significantly involved - donate and track progress from your desktop!
World Music
eMusic.com - we've downloaded some excellent music from this site, which has over 13 Million songs, including a broad and deep selection of international artists.